Messages from Diverse Sources
Sunday, August 4, 2024
Bear This Cross of Persecution, You Bear It for Us
Message of Mary Mother of Triumph and Victory to Frank Möller in Reken, Germany on August 3, 2024, Heart of Mary Saturday

I bring you the hope of God.
He hopes in you, you hope in Him!
God is working in the members of His mystical body.
He is at work to complete what He has begun.
Open the gates of your life to Him, so that His kingdom may come.
No king can give you what He gives you.
Change your behavior in this world.
You are His chosen children.
Love Him – He loves you!
Trust in His providence, His plan with you.
Enter the path of salvation.
I am with you in the fight against the dragon of wrath against God.
God will defeat him with your prayers and your love for God.
Be children, be small. He lets the proud fall, they are trampled by the people.
Remain My messenger, no one can harm you, you are safe.
Bear this cross of persecution, you bear it for us. It is your salvation.
You will rise again and triumph over all evil in the world.
Receive the blessing of your God: the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit!
Source: ➥